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Top Tips for Social Media Marketing In 2021

Considering that there are more than 3 billion people on social networks, Marketing for social networks is a crucial tool for your business.

Each company can use different social media marketing tactics depending on its line of business. However, all companies have the desire to obtain great results that allow them to continue expanding.

For this, the idea is to take advantage of your network strategy to solidify your brand, reach potential customers and boost sales. Otherwise, if you cannot execute and measure your plan, you will be wasting time and resources. 

Remember that social networks are constantly evolving, and it is best to be updated with new trends. This is why we leave you with 20 essential tips for your social media marketing to succeed.

1. Identify your goals

In all marketing plans, it is important to set the objectives that will guide your strategy. Social media marketing is no exception.

Ideally, you should use SMART goals, which in other words means that your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and temporary. 


If you propose imprecise objectives, the only thing you will achieve is not cementing the strategy well because you will not know how to measure what you want to achieve.

It is important to specify what you want to achieve with your social media marketing strategy. 


You must be able to answer if the objective was met or not, and for this, you need to set measurable objectives in percentage, for example, increase engagement by 20%. 


If your expectations are too high, you will end up frustrated, it is good to have ambition in terms of goals, but you also have to be realistic. 


Social media marketing objectives should align with the overall marketing objectives of the company because, in the end, all the efforts of the area must contribute to the bigger picture. 


This means that your objectives must have a set time in which they will be met. Each objective should have its own deadline. 

Also, remember that you should not set more than four goals for these to be feasible.

2. Create quality content

The first step in creating quality content is identifying what kind of information will be useful to your audience. Remember that your content must be entertaining and visually pleasing because users will look at all these details to evaluate it. And content form is also important. Creating videos on social media is the trendy way to gain user.

Also, do not forget that users do not like to be saturated with the same information, much less if it is only information about your company. Give them something that interests them and above all that is useful. 

On the other hand, you should take into account that, as well as creating quality content takes your time and effort, the idea is to share it in the possible channels so that it reaches as many potential customers as possible.

A good idea to create content is to collect the questions that your consumers and potential consumers ask most often. This way, you can answer these questions in the form of content. 

3. Identify your audience

You must identify who you want to address on social networks as they are an essential part of your strategy. Remember that you must build your buyer persona not only through assumptions but also through research. 

The audience is interconnected through social networks.

Next, we give you some guidelines that will help you build your buyer persona.

Former clients

Your current clients are a good starting point because you can deeply investigate their lifestyle, demographics, and interests to create a more global buyer persona from there. 

What need does your product or service cover? 

By being clear about what needs you are covering, you can get closer to what type of consumer you are reaching and what their behavior is when purchasing a product or service. 

4. Choose the social networks to suit you

It is a common mistake to want to be present on the possible platforms because choosing which social network to be on also requires a strategy.

You must ask yourself what each platform offers for you because you must choose based on your objectives and your buyer persona. 

For example, if your plan is to sell directly to consumers, you can bet on Facebook, if your business line is to create more visual content, you can go to Instagram or Pinterest, and if your audience is young, you can think about opening your accounts on Snapchat or Tik Tok. 

Another recommendation is to look at what your competition is doing because it gives you a good guide to which are the social networks in which your potential consumers are. 

5. Create a content calendar

Ideally, plan the content distribution in advance as well as the topics you are going to deal with. For this reason, it is advisable to create a content calendar to organize everything efficiently. 

This is how with a content calendar, you can have a global vision of the topics and coherently plan content that aligns with the company’s global marketing strategy. 

6. Delegate the management of your networks to an expert

Social networks, contrary to what many people think, cannot be handled by just anyone. Ideally, you should hire a person who has strategic thinking and should have various skills such as creativity to create content and communicate with the audience on a constant basis. 

Another good idea is to hire a digital marketing agency to help you manage the entire marketing strategy for social networks since all their resources will be destined to meet your objectives. 

7. Be consistent

For users to remember you, you must be constant because if you post once a year and leave your network management thrown away, it will not do any good. 

Remember that to be constant and present. You don’t necessarily have to publish content every day; you can also curate content. This means that you can share information relevant to your industry created by other experts in the field. 

Another good idea is to recycle content. If you write an article for your blog, you can use that same information to share it as posts for social networks. 

8. Humanize your brand

Humanizing your brand is important because people respond to other people. They are more attracted to your content when you show them feelings, and in turn, you manage to bring out some kind of feeling in them.

In this way, you can humanize your communication on social networks if you talk about your identity and your work team, that is, who are the people behind your brand. You can also share your story and how your company was born.

Finally, you can get involved in charity events and do, for example, live on social networks. 

9. Come up with a strategy to share your content on networks

It is ideal that the users themselves publish your content on networks, and the best thing is that you facilitate their work. For example, you can implement social media buttons on your website and especially in your blog posts so that people can share directly on their networks. 

You can also incentivize users to share your content with a call to action.

10. Use paid advertising

Do not be afraid to use Facebook ads or another platform that allows you to carry out paid advertising on social networks. Remember that organic reach will only reach up to 15% of the people who follow you on networks.

On the contrary, if you carry out paid advertising, you can reach a larger number of people, and you will have better control of who are the people you are going to target because Facebook ads have a great capacity for segmentation in terms of your audience. 

Remember that at the end of the day, paying for advertising on social networks is going to be a good investment as long as you know your target audience very well and with what type of content to reach them. 

At Last

What do you think of our tips for Social Media Marketing? Are you ready to implement them? 



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