Nothing is more important than the image compression! Yes, even in the world of the web, images are fundamental. When writing an article on your website, you have to be tremendously cautious with all the particulars if you desire to take benefit of SEO. So we focus on writing engaging texts, working on the site’s usability, and optimizing everything to make your page attractive to Google.
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Image Compression: What is it?
Compression occurs when you save an image to your hard drive using as little data as possible. This is why images are usually saved as JPG files. However, this entails several quality risks. High compression means that pixels of very similar colors are all saved as one color. This makes the image less detailed. When you compress photos and save an image, it is no longer possible to increase its quality.
Image compression: how to do it
As we mentioned earlier, a high-quality image means a greater weight of the file. In the chain, this heaviness will generate a slowdown in the loading phase. This does not mean that to avoid slow loading, you have to choose low-quality images. So which images to choose? The secret is to choose visual elements that reach the right compromise between quality and weight. To get the best result, you have to rely on image compression. What does it consist of?
The compression rate is what governs the image we are going to place on our site. As explained, there is no perfect path to follow; it is like the metaphor of the blanket too short: pulling on one side shortens the other. So the more the level of compression, the more will be the quality loss, but you gain site speed. On the contrary, the less you compress, the less you lose quality, but the site will be slowed down.
The best way to compress photos is to rely on the overall weight of the web page where the image is placed. A page weighing around 1.5MB will fail to support a 600/700 KB JPG image. So here, you will have to proceed to a compression to reach at least 150 KB.
Photographs in the online world draw a lot of users’ attention, be it on a blog, eCommerce, or on a corporate site because you can see a lot of information at a single glance.
In most cases, images require accurate processing before you can output them on the web, so many companies and individuals order outsource photography editing services to make sure their pictures look flawless.
Therefore, if you are going to include photos in your blog, it is very important that you compress and optimize each one of them due to the following reasons:
Improve uploading speed
Your website or application should always run at maximum speed so as not to bother users. Also, one of the main reasons websites and online stores don’t load or take a long time to load is because the images are too heavy. Google warns that heavy images will be punished. This means that if Google detects that your site is loading slowly, it won’t show up in the first search results.
Always display the correct image size.
You need to customize the image so that it looks correct on all devices. Light files can be easily loaded on your mobile phone. Reducing file size allows webmasters to create image-rich pages with less hosting space or allocate bandwidth.
Slow data transfer
Some web hosting services also require compressed images to create functional websites that load faster than competing websites. Hard drives also work hard to mount uncompressed files.
Reduce the space
We always talk about users, but compressing images can also positively affect the storage space. Being able to reduce your images in terms of size and weight will allow your server to be less loaded and run more smoothly than if you have to load files that are too large, especially when you are trying to enter an article where, for example, there are 12 photos of more than 1 Mb each.
This also affects the number of visits and the acquisition of clients, since if it is the case that they are looking for a Web designer or manager of their corporate blog and they notice that your own site does not open all the elements immediately, they will intuit that you are not as good as you say you are.
It affects the user experience.
Suppose a user needs to make a purchase in your eCommerce. In that case, he begins to browse it, and the articles do not appear or take forever to load; they will end up abandoning it and buying what they are looking for in another online store of your competition.
Whereas if, on the contrary, the shopping experience is exceptional and as soon as they enter your website they can see all the elements normally, you will be able to retain many customers and what they recommend.
Influence your page speed and your SEO
All previous reasons lead to this third: the loading speed and, therefore, the SEO. Google increasingly penalizes the poor loading speed of Internet sites, evaluating it negatively if more than 2 or 3 seconds elapse and, therefore, ensuring that you do not rise positions in the search rankings.
There is nothing better than having high-quality images on your website, even better if taken by professional photographers. True, but it is also true that a choice of this type seriously affects the proper functioning of the site. Why? Simple, high-quality images are very heavy elements that end up slowing down the loading of the site.
So what to do? When we are dealing with high-quality images, the idea is to try to reduce their weight and size to make them lighter and faster to load. To succeed in this intent, the ideal is to rely on photo editing programs like Visual Watermark. Thanks to this program, the images are quickly resized and can thus be implemented within the article without compromising the loading.